Archive for the ‘Martinstown’ Category

Bus Services Devastated

by Andy Canning on 2 February, 2017

Dorset County Council has announced that it is cutting the number of bus services that it supports from 35 down to just 7! This will have a devastating effect on everyone who doesn’t have access to a car. It will increase isolation as those on low incomes, poor mobility and the elderly, who live anywhere […]

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Your GP Surgery is Under Threat

by Andy Canning on 29 November, 2016

There is a very real possibility that your GP’s Surgery could close by 2021. Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are considering a strategy document that is proposing a drastic reduction in the number of what they call “sites delivering Primary Care” or what we call GP’s Surgeries. You can read the report here. Page 34 […]

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Stop Cuts at County Hospital

by Andy Canning on 1 November, 2016

The plans announced recently to recently to end overnight care on Kingfisher Children’s Ward and the proposal to scale back maternity care at the County Hospital are deeply disappointing. Twice in recent years, thousands of residents have marched through the streets to defend key local health services.close Kingfisher Children’s Ward and the Special Care Baby […]

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Save Dorchester’s Tourist Information Centre

by Andy Canning on 20 October, 2016

Despite tourism being West Dorset’s largest employer and Dorchester’s TIC receiving over 180,000 visitors last year, the District Council is looking to cut this service drastically to save just a few thousand pounds!  Two options are being considered – closing the staffed office completely or retaining a much-reduced service with fewer staff, fewer things on […]

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Andy Canning selected as Parliamentary Candidate

by Andy Canning on 16 September, 2016

I am delighted to have been chosen as the Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for West Dorset should there be an early General Election. Recently I have been involved with campaigns to save our local Youth Centres, maintain rural bus services, keep smaller local libraries and stop our countryside from being overdeveloped!  I also led the […]

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Pay Rise for Senior Staff Unjustifiable

by Andy Canning on 21 July, 2016

Despite strong protests and a lively debate the County Council agreed today to give many of its senior staff a substantial pay rise. At a time of major job cuts and cuts in services this seems to me to be totally unjustifiable.  Altogether it will cost tax payers £65,000 that could have been spent on […]

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Action on McDonalds

by Andy Canning on 7 July, 2016

At last a plan is to be drawn up by the Highways Team at DCC to tackle the state of the verges by McDonalds at Monkeys Jump.  The size of the potholes and the indiscriminate way people have been parking is just not acceptable.  Ideally McDonalds would expand the size of their car park but […]

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Mobile Library Service CLOSED!

by Andy Canning on 29 June, 2016

  Today, the Conservative Cabinet running Dorset County Council voted to end our local mobile library service.  Three out of four mobile libraries are to be axed at the end of the year and only one is being retained to visit care homes.  This will remove a service that is vital for people who don’t […]

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Democracy Wins!

by Andy Canning on 9 May, 2016

The proposal to change and open up the way that West Dorset District Council is run has been overwhelmingly approved by local residents.  A total of 15,534 voted for Change and a move to Committee based decision making as opposed to 8,811 who voted to keep things as they are with a Leader + Cabinet […]

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A Bus for Martinstown

by Andy Canning on 17 September, 2014

Starting in November bus 211 will come into the village as far as the Post Office to provide a better service for residents.  It will leave Martinstown at 09.25 to go to Weymouth and leave there to return at 14.15 – giving you about four hours.  Then at 14.48 it will leave Martinstown to go […]

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