Pay Rise for Senior Staff Unjustifiable

by Andy Canning on 21 July, 2016

Despite strong protests and a lively debate the County Council agreed today to give many of its senior staff a substantial pay rise.

At a time of major job cuts and cuts in services this seems to me to be totally unjustifiable.  Altogether it will cost tax payers £65,000 that could have been spent on preserving bus services or keeping the mobile libraries going or cutting grass verges!

I spoke out against this pay rise in the debate.  The result was closer than I would have expected (18 votes to 15) bearing in mind the size of the Conservatives majority.

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One Response

  1. Mrs Fox says:

    I have been working hard over the last year in a hope of saving our buses. more going this year. As Andy Canning said, community transport does not suit all people, some of us are active and wish to go out all day long, not be taken to the stops and brought back home, to sit alone. The buses used are not good for older people, and I know that some people have not been aloud to use this service. Why are people the Dorset people paying for a subsided train from London to Weymouth when there is a half hourly service already. And why are the tourists traveling for free here when we who live here will have to pay. £500-00 has not been saved, it’s gone out in grants to pay for a service we do not want.

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